Friday 16 April 2010

Misplaced 2, part 1.

In a contemplative fashion.

It was hot, very hot, on the island in the midday sun. The stranded members of G&S sat together in the shade of the rocks not far from their camp. After the shock of the recent near accident, some of them were subdued, the fear they had felt on first crash landing here had returned to them. The last of the plane's tea had been brewed and now those who were natural leaders of the group were trying to work out how best to organise themselves to survive. The others, including Ruth, watched and listened.

"Our most pressing need is food," Nick said. "Water we've got, thanks to this stream, and we've got some shelter although I still think we need to improve on that, but in this climate it's less important than if it were cold."

"And we need to work out some way of making contact with civilisation," Jack said. Nick nodded, keeping to himself his fear that the radio was irreparable.

"Keeping a fire going?" Sophie, one of the youngest girls, asked eagerly.

"That's the traditional way," Nick replied. "It'll make it easier for anyone who's looking to spot that there's something going on on this island."

"That means keeping collecting firewood, then," Ruth said.

"Is this the best place for a fire?" Tom asked. "Would it be better to build it at the top of the hill?"

"I think it's all right here," Nick replied. "It's well clear of the trees, and this ground's higher than the rest of the island. The hilltop might be too windy, and it would be hard work carrying wood all the way up there."

Ruth thought about the previous night, and the screeching creatures. She would prefer to have the fire nearby, she thought, for protection.

"It'll be easier to keep an eye on it down here, and see if it's going out. Otherwise we'd have to have someone up there with it all the time."

The island sloped uphill from its south-western foot, where the forest ran right down to the beach, to its' highest point, the hill behind the camp. It wasn't so much a hill as a cliff, where the rock leapt up almost vertically from the boulder-strewn open space where they had made their camp, with jagged ridges forming a difficult climb to a shelf at the top. On the other side, an even bigger cliff overlooked the sea.

Ruth looked up at the hill. Then she looked harder. She was sure she had seen something move on the edge of the nearer cliff. There it was again. It was a figure, a human figure. She was about to say something when she realised that one person was missing from their group. Patrick had disappeared earlier that morning. It would be very like him to go off exploring, oblivious of what the others were doing.

For a moment she was annoyed at his inconsideration of the rest of them. He should have been with them, helping. Then she tried to calm herself down. He had done his best to help them yesterday, and she knew he hadn't slept much. After what they had all gone through, she didn't blame him for wanting some peace and quiet to recover from the shock and stress. But still, it was a little mean on the rest of them.

Yes, the figure on the clifftop was Patrick. She saw the sun glint off his glasses as he stopped and pushed them up to rub his eyes. Then he started forwards again. He was very close to the edge. For a moment Ruth was afraid that he would fall. He stood on the edge, looking down, for some time, and then to Ruth's relief he turned away from the edge.

She turned back to the discussion. The others were still discussing ways to attract the attention of the world.

"We could set fire to the forest!" Sophie said excitedly. "They could see that for miles away. The smoke would rise, even if they couldn't see the island they could see that!"

"Yeah, but what if it gets out of control?" Jack replied. "What if we can't escape the fire ourselves? And if we destroy everything we'll be stuck with no food, no shelter from the trees."

"But if we were rescued we wouldn't need those things."

"It's too dangerous," Nick said.

"And what about the animals and birds here? It's not fair on them," Rachel said.

"We're not going to set fire to the island," Nick said. "But we will need to keep a stock of wood."

"And if possible find some way of keeping some dry in case it rains and the fire goes out," Alex said. "You can't start a fire with wet wood." The others nodded in agreement.

We've got all our tools and things from the wreck now," Jack continued. "We might be able to salvage a bit more stuff but not much. If the rest of you go out looking for food, a few of us can stay here and start building."

"We haven't sorted out a design for the roof yet," Nick objected.

"No, but all our ideas were basically similar. I think we can knock something up. I mean, it's never going to be perfect, but as long as it works."

"I guess we can always change it if it looks like it isn't working," Nick said. "Ok then."

"Amy and I'll start collecting firewood!" Sophie said.

"Oh thanks. Can't I speak for myself?" Amy, Sophie's close friend, asked good-humouredly.

"Come on!" Sophie said, jumping up and dragging her off.

"The rest of you can look for food, or maybe figure out what we might be able to hunt," Nick said.

"Or fish," Emma said.

"Does anyone know much about what plants are edible or not?" Tom asked.

"I know a bit," Alex said. "I did a survival course once. Of course it'll be different here, but some stuff will be the same."

"Well I never knew that," Emma said. "You've got more talents than we knew."

The story continues...

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Second episode! "We're not going to set fire to the island." Made me laugh out loud. And I see monkey-man is off, can't wait for the next one!
